Orbotix Sphero: The ball you control with your iPhone

Orbotix SpheroWhile we’re still not convinced that anyone actually wants to control a small plastic sphere using their i-device, it’s a pretty cool gadget and it may just be the next big thing to hit the toy world. See what you think…


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    • Michael

      Hardly “a joke of a product” as Eric glibly states. I am no techno-wizard, but add a camera tho those puppies and hey we got fun and remote viewing. Not science fictiion, here now. Kudos and Congrats to these forward-thinking creators. Step one is complete, now find your niche!


  2. ron

    How cool is that , remote control balls , now if they can just figure out how to control my johnson we got a party.


  3. el guille

    why am i the purple triangle?!? not that there is anything wrong with that; what people decide to do in the privacy and comfort of their own home is their own business.


  4. Chris

    Yet another pointless, stupid, over priced thing for Apple.
    Thank you, I’ll skip it just like I skipped the ipad.
