Video of Earth at night is better than any movie

It’s not clear to me why NASA doesn’t create videos like these themselves, but whatever the reason, dedicated space fans aren’t allowing the video vacuum to exist for long. This gorgeous timelapse video of the Earth at night as seen from the ISS, is proof that reality can be every bit as breathtaking as what Hollywood can dream up. Do yourself a favour and watch it in fullscreen mode – you’ll be glad you did.

From the creator, Knate Myers:

Every frame in this video is a photograph taken from the International Space Station. All credit goes to the crews on board the ISS.
I removed noise and edited some shots in photoshop. Compiled and arranged in Sony Vegas.

Music by John Murphy – Sunshine (Adagio In D Minor)

Image Courtesy of the Image Science & Analysis Laboratory,
NASA Johnson Space Center, The Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth

For more great NASA-resourced timelaspe videos, check out the NASA timelapse club on Vimeo.


    • VoiceofKindu

      Hmm! This is nothing, The planets of the other Aliens are Way way by far Superior in every way. So they wouldn’t come here to this “Sh-Place”.
      Until man learns to live in full Compassion and Peace, Absolutely None of this matters !


      • caramea2011



      • JILL

        How about you starting to live in, full Commpation and Peace with the Earth. You could get this started by not insulting it. Be the “Man” to get it started.


  1. mike

    Whenever I see pictures of earth from space I always find myself shaking my head in wonder as to how mankind cannot see how truly fortunate we are to have a place like this to call home.


    • Ashley

      I totally agree with you! This planet is always taken for granted! More people should learn how fortunate we actually are!


    • Mark

      Truly well said Mike, but when I see pictures of earth from space I always wonder if earth could be so beautiful well designed, every atom & orbit around it has been placed & created with great planning by the master of creator then how would heaven & paradize would look alike. Truly we should be thankful to the creator of the world for giving such a place that we can call HOME. Else if he wants he can replace us with another generations or species in a blink of an eye by destroying the world with utter destruction.


      • Alan

        Um, yeah. Why do you religious types always take opportunities to praise “the creator” when you see stuff like this? Anyone with half a head full of common sense realizes there’s no such thing as “God”. The universe and everything in it is a perfect accident and was NOT created by some man in the clouds who “loves” us. Get real.


      • Adagio

        Science can prouve now that the our planet was create by God! It’s a fact… God and religion is very different! It take’s a powerfull intelligence to create our spaceship!


      • Adagio

        Could agry more! every atom & orbit around it has been placed & created with great planning by the master of creator… By Mark! Could not saying better! God = creation! I Will pray for you Alan… ;-)


      • Superbent

        One thing is for sure, being a Theist does not mean that you have good at good grammar or spelling.


      • Superbent

        Just to clarify, that was “ironic” and not “god’s will” that my grammar was poor in the above comment.


      • Davenport

        You truly ARE an ignorant person allen… however in time you WILL realize this perfect universe is NOT an accident… give your head a shake, even darwin did not deny the existence of God…


      • Superbent

        Hey who is ignorant? You spelled Alan’s name wrong when calling him ignorant.

        Perfect universe? How do you know the rest of the universe is perfect? We are fortunate to have planet earth, but just ask anyone who has lived through a natural disaster (note they are called “natural disasters” not “accidents planned by the creator”)how perfect our universe is.

        Thanks for the laugh Davenport.


      • Hidden Virtue

        Alan, let’s try looking at the idea of the universe being a “perfect accident”, through the lens of a plain and simple example. Perhaps this will show you why people believe in God, and it might shed some light as to the logical proof people have towards their belief in God. Let’s try to use our common sense as our judgement here, and I’ll try my best to fully explain this example to you.

        The device that you are reading on right now is composed of a few basic elements, right? Plastic, glass, silicon and some precious metals are the materials that are used. We know that plastic comes from oil, and glass and silicon come from sand. So basically the device which you are reading with is oil and sand. Now, what if I told you that we were walking in a desert, and you picked up your device, which you found lying there… a product of billions of years of random events? The wind blew, the sun shone, the rain fell, lightning struck, the oil bubbled, the camel trod, and after millions and millions of years, the device which you have in front of you at the hypothetical moment had formed itself – and naturally, you picked up the device and started playing a game.

        I’m not trying to make fun of you here, honestly, because what you said was a very common statement, and I too once believed in it. I do apologize if I’ve offended you, as that wasn’t my intention. Yet let’s think – is there a chance that this device of yours or mine could have randomly formed itself through natural processes? However remotely possible, most of us would simply not accept this as a reasonable explanation.

        So why then would we accept such an explanation for our universe and life within it? Even if we accept evolution as a process, the idea that life evolved merely as a series of random events is still difficult to accept. Even the most basic human cell is more complicated than the devices you and I are now using to communicate!

        All I’m trying to say is that this is a sign that there is a Creator, and we are His creations :)


      • Hidden Virtue

        Also, if you click on my username, perhaps the Youtube lecture linked may shed some light as to how one convert had the Bible lead him to Islam. Peace :)


      • clicker

        Oh boy. This is more commonly known as the watchmaker explanation for god’s existence and was established by William Paley back in the 1800’s.
        Back then, it seemed a very convincing argument – after all, without the extensive scientific understanding of the universe that we now possess, the Earth did indeed appear to be this wonderfully complex creation – a jewel amongst the cosmos -alone in it’s splendour.

        But we know better now. The Earth is but one planet amongst billions. The process that created it is not mystical or magical and it does not require a creator in order to be appreciated for what it is. In the same way that the process of reproduction starts with something as small and simple as a sperm and an egg and 40 weeks later produces a fully formed human being, so too can a planet like our start as collection of dust and rock and eventually become home to millions of forms of life.

        Don’t be tempted to reach for the easy explanation of god or some other deity. That’s the easy way out for people who don’t want to admit that we don’t have all the answers and who aren’t patient enough to let science find those answers. For them, god is the perfect answer – to everything. It’s like when a you ask someone “Why is the sky blue” and they reply “because.” The answer is vexing because it is a refusal to explain. Any answer that contains god as the explanation is equally vexing. It means that the person not only doesn’t know the answer, they aren’t interested in seeking the answer.

        I’ll tell you this much about god: If in fact he’s real and he did create us, he wouldn’t want us wasting our incredible brain power by attributing everything we don’t understand to him. We can do better than that. We already have, and we will continue to do so.

        Facts. Not faith.


      • Hidden Virtue

        Simon, I hate to make your simple post on our amazing world a place to discuss religious reasoning, but I’ll take one more shot before bringing the discussion of us two to another place, if you will. Clicker, I’ll try to address points as best as I can, but I apologize if I’ve offended anyone here. I’m just trying to show my reasoning for what I believe and why :D . This is quite a long post, so I ask that you respect my opinion and try to read through it all :)

        1) What you said was true, Clicker – Earth is just one planet among the countless planets that we have no idea of. That’s why in the very first sentence of the Qur’an, God (The Most High, the Great) tells us a prayer in which we say to Him, everyday, in our five daily prayers:

        Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds [Al-Fatiha (The Opening) – 1:1]

        Notice that here, the word ‘Aaa-la-meen’ in Arabic is plural, which contextually translates to ‘worlds’ in English. It’s plural, not singular – meaning that there is more than one world/planet/Earth/whatever you want to call it out there. The Qur’an doesn’t deny this fact, but rather confirms it even in the first sentence of the Qur’an. Isn’t that more scientific proof then?

        2) Of course we don’t have all the answers for everything. God didn’t tell us everything about the world. He did create us and told us some things, yet He didn’t tell us everything. Why? Because the Creator needs to be different from Creation. If He were the same as us, then all we would have is more of the same creators (i.e more creation). Then one might ask, so what created that creator? Surely it would be something more intelligent and wilful, and then we’d ask the same question for the other creator. We would go on and on, forever looking for the intelligence and will behind the intelligence and will: a creator creating a creator creating a creator ad infinitum! Back to my point, God alone knows everything, and if He told us everything He knew, He wouldn’t be God anymore. The attribute of being the All-Knowing is His attribute alone, because God is Unique and not common, and if He was common then He would be the same as us. That much is true.

        However, let me ask you: why does this world not require a Creator? Like you said, all life on this Earth of ours started small and simple. From little cells to billions of cells. From a seedling to a beautiful tree. Even as we see creations and can make something that looks like one (like a doll), us humans cannot put souls into objects.

        For instance, if I asked you to put life into our lifeless doll here, would you or I be able to do so? You may say not yet, but for as long as the Earth has been here, we haven’t been able to collectively do that (and that’s billions of years, mind you). Yes, we’ve been able clone. Yes, we’ve been able to transplant organs and uncover bodies from ice to restore their lives and what not – but can anyone put life into a lifeless object? That, my friend, is something of a mystery to us. That’s in God’s hands, not ours.


      • Hidden Virtue

        3) You also said: “A planet like our start as collection of dust and rock and eventually become home to millions of forms of life.”. Hmm. Let’s think: If you put a piece of rock and dust somewhere together, and then came back billions of years later, do you really think it would form into something living, complex, and capable of thought and movement? Would this really satisfy your curiosity of the beginning of life? As one can see through my explanation above, how can something that had no form of movement move into something that could move? Because animals and plants and humans can move on their own, right? But rocks and dust cannot (for the most part), right?

        Yes, I know rocks are alive – if livings things are classified by having life cycles, then a rock starts as lava and ends as sedimentary rock. However, if your definition of life is by something that can move of its own free will and needs sustenance to do this, then a rock is not alive. I also know about the Death Valley Moving Stones, but perhaps God has made it a miracle of His that we cannot explain nor understand, to prove that He is the one who gives life to what he chooses, and we are not the ones who can do this. Yet if we were talking about any old rock – how does an unmoving rock become moving to make things that move, then? There had to be a Creator to put souls into forms, then, as God did so with the Moving Stones.

        4) As well, there are many things in the Qur’an (which were shown to Muhammed (Peace Be Upon Him) 1400 years ago) that are hinted at or explained, that science is just discovering now For instance, the fact that is

        5) An easy explanation can explain something complex. God explained things clearly to us so that we could understand them, but that doesn’t mean that He himself is simple. It’s like how we take complex ideas and break them down into easily digestible pieces – so we can understand them better – but the idea itself doesn’t reduce its complexity any bit. We just increase our understanding of it.

        To prove two points here, science is “the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment”. Basically put, it’s knowledge that we have of things. Yet just because I summed up what science was in a few words, didn’t make it any less complex a system. Just because we use science to study things around us, doesn’t mean science will successfully help us have knowledge of everything. Some things will just be unexplainable, and we just have to accept that :)


      • Hidden Virtue

        Oops! My apologies for not explaining a scientific miracle in my 5th point. Science isn’t my best subject, although I have to admit that it is very interesting. There are so many scientific explanations I can give that come to mind, such as a baby’s formation in the mothers’ womb and rain falling in measured amounts and programming in genes and the relativity of time, that I felt that it would be better to direct you to an expert who knows better than me, and can show you the scientific proof in the Qur’an and can explain it to you in a way that you can understand

        To quench your thirst for explanations of the world by science, may I recommend that you read “Allah’s Miracles in The Qur’an” by Harun Yahya. There is an online book link ( that might help you, and I guarantee to you that if you are interested in Science, this will be a read that is well-worth your time :)


      • clicker

        Oh Hidden Virtue, I do at least, appreciate the fervor with which you believe what you believe. I still think it lacks solid reasoning however, because as you attempt to answer my comments, you rely on god to explain what you cannot explain yourself, and you demonstrate a thorough lack of understanding when it comes to things that you believe you know.

        1) no my friend, quoting the Q’ran or any other non-scientific text will never, ever be proof. Of anything.

        2) More attempts to define god, but to what end? The trouble with belief in god is that when you have an all-powerful, all-knowing ‘creator’, you simply stop looking for answers. Why? Because apparently ‘God alone knows everything, and if He told us everything He knew, He wouldn’t be God anymore.’ Do you see how that shuts down all other lines of inquiry? Do you see why that prevents us from achieving a greater and greater understanding of our universe?

        3) Your question ‘how can something that had no form of movement move into something that could move?’ demonstrates that you have already abandoned the search for knowledge in favour of a belief system where facts are ignored. The gas and dust that make up every planet and star that we know of, was never without movement. It’s been moving since the big bang. And when enough gas comes together through the force of gravity, it eventually ignites fusion and a star is born. Without science, this amazing event could only be seen as an act of god, but with science, we know it is merely the result of an astronomical process -one which we can witness again and again thanks to instruments like the Hubble. When those same stars explode, they jettison all of the material that we are made of. It’s true what they say: We are stardust.

        4) I’m not sure what you’re saying.

        5) God explained nothing clearly. At least if you assume the Q’ran or the Torah or the Bible to be the words of god. If it was clear, there would be no need for scholars to pour incessantly over the words, debate their meaning, develop new interpretations. Everything in those texts would be verifiable by anyone who cared to try. The world might be a more peaceful place. But alas, if there is a god, he chose to cloud his purpose in riddles and stories.

        Let me ask you this: If god is perfect (and by your reasoning he must be, in order to be god) how did he manage to create such an imperfect world? I know you are likely to say that as mere humans we are unable to appreciate perfection when we see it – but again – that would seem to be more evidence of a lack of perfection on the part of our creator. It’s so much more reasonable to see ourselves as part of an ever changing system of matter. One that doesn’t follow a divine plan, but merely behaves according to the laws that govern its movements – both the laws we know and those we have yet to discover.


      • Hidden Virtue

        Thank you for reading my answer, Clicker, and thank you for being civilized and for not calling me rude and obnoxious names for expressing my viewpoints :) . Thank you for also appreciating my efforts, and I commend you for your curiosity in finding the answer to life’s questions :D

        I will not deny what you said – I do rely on God to explain what I myself cannot explain. I only have limited understand and ability to explain, as do all of us. I apologize for my shortcomings, but I will try my best to answer your questions so that you can see where I’m coming from. As for a lack of understanding that I show, please explain further so that I may rectify my mistakes or lead you to someone who can better explain things to you :)

        I’ll continue our talk here for one last time, Clicker, but if you would still like to continue our conversation or if anyone else would like to talk with me, please email me at . I don’t want to annoy people further, and in this way, we can still try to understand each other’s point of view.

        Well, here we go:


      • Hidden Virtue

        1) If I may ask, why can’t the Qur’an be scientific proof? How do you know it’s a non-scientific text? If you haven’t read the Qur’an, then it is a bit difficult for you to know that. If you have read the Qur’an, if we look at the parts in which scientific miracles are mentioned in the Qur’an, as the book “Allah’s Miracles in the Qur’an” explains, they’re numerous. The Qur’an is not a book of science. Yet there are many, many facts mentioned 1400 years agom that are now being discovered with the help of technological advancement in the 20th and 21st century. That is why I recommended the book to you. The author understands science better than I do, and it will shed light onto the scientific miracles mentioned in the Holy Qur’an, in a way that you will understand. Again, here is the online book link to the book: (

        As well, even science textbooks students use in schools don’t strictly have scientific information – rather, they include facts of history (such as the origin of theories), geography (i.e certain areas of animal populations), and math (i.e the formula of friction) to help explain science better. This is done so that we don’t just isolate the subject in our minds, but we link it together with other subjects to make for the big picture. So as a book bought down as guidance for mankind, why can’t the Qur’an not use other subjects, such as science, math or geography, to help explain things to us and be further testament to its validity?

        2) I understand your point, but I don’t think we have fully stopped looking for answers. To some point, yes, because God (the Most High, the Great) has given us answers in the Qur’an (but there have been people to have tested the words of the Qur’an and have found them to be true). Yet there are some questions that God hasn’t told us the answer for, so what should we do then? You’re quite right – we shouldn’t abandon all questions we have regarding the universe and we shouldn’t abandon all attemps of curiousity. Rather, we should use what knowledge God has given us and can try to use our resources to find the answer.

        However, I don’t think that we should believe that we know almost everything there is about the world, and that we will find out about absolutely everything there is. I’m not saying that we should abandon everything – rather, we should know our limits. For example, if we tried to find out that if we were created, then how was God created, that will be futile – it’s not necessarily something we have knowledge of.

        You can only solve questions if you can find and put together pieces of knowledge in a way that make sense, which make a solution. Yet if you have no knowledge of something in the first place and cannot find or piece it together so it makes sense, it’s makes the question rather impossible to answer. What do you think? :)


      • Hidden Virtue

        3) Trust me, Muslims have not “abandoned the search for knowledge in favour of a belief system where facts are ignored”. Omar Khayyam (1048 – 1131), was a Persian mathematician, astronomer, and poet, known for his scientific achievements and Rubaiyat (“quatrains”). Thabit ibn Qurra (826 – 901) was also known as Thebit, and he was an Arab mathematician, physician and astronomer. He was the first reformer of the Ptolemaic system and the founder of statics. Ibn Zuhr (1091 – 1161) was also known as Avenzoar, and he was an Arab physician and surgeon, known for his influential book Al-Taisir Fil-Mudawat Wal-Tadbeer (Book of Simplification Concerning Therapeutics and Diet). All of these men came after the Prophet Muhammed (Peace Be Upon Him), which is after the Qur’an was revealed. But they didn’t stop discovering knowledge and facts and they didn’t ignore them. Facts aren’t ignored in Islam, but they are uncovered both by people and revealed by God himself. There are many scientific miracles that weren’t known before, which were mentioned in the Qur’an and later by people. For example, the Big Bang theory is indeed, an Act of God. The Qur’an reaffirms this:

        He created the heavens and the Earth from nothing. (Qur’an, 6:101)

        If you look at that book link I gave you, it’s all explained on page 18-24. The term ‘from nothing’ shows that matter started existing after the Big Bang occurred.

        Also, it’s not religion vs. science in Islam. Islam is a religion with science. There are some scientific theories out there which go against the existence/attributes of God, and the Qur’an does not side with them nor shows any sort of proof. However, there are many theories that the Qur’an does put light upon, such as . The Qur’an is trying to confirm many discoveries of science (that are being found now)
        to show that it is the true book of God.

        4) What I’m saying is that you will find scientific proof if you take a look at that book I told you about. The reason why I won’t explain it myself if because I: 1) have limited understanding of science, and it isn’t my best subject and 2) I don’t think I could best explain scientific facts to you, so I am directing you to someone who can explain it as best as I know. Read a few pages of the book and see what you think – I’m not forcing you read the whole book or even a part of it, as it’s your choice. If you want to see proof, this is some proof that I have, and I’m simply trying to show things to you as best as I can :)


      • Hidden Virtue

        5) If you click on my username, that video there will explain why some of the previous books of God were clear, but no longer are. It is a long video, but I believe it will be worth your time – it is a lecture delivered from a convert to Islam who searched each and every religion out there, and only found Islam to be true.

        Okay, let’s try looking at it that way. What if there were no scholars, no Prophets, no Angels who God sent for help – there was no one to explain anything. We have two ways where God could
        communicate with us humans: indirectly or directly. Indirectly, by communication given to us by someone/something else other than God, or directly, by God speaking to each of us Himself.

        For the first method, let’s imagine that God just dropped the Qur’an, the Bible, or the Torah onto the world, and someone happened to find it and began to read it. If that was you, you might have some questions. You might not understand a part of the book (because remember, we humans only have a limited understanding, and not everyone has the same level of understanding either). You might not know how to follow a piece of guidance. You might even think that it would be impossible to follow certain things, because God might say to do something but He’s not human, so how would He know how hard it is to follow the religion? So what would you do then?

        In this manner, with Islam, Prophets were sent to be living proofs of God’s message and to guide/answer people’s question so that they could follow God’s message correctly. Scholars of Islam (known as the ‘Oo-leh-maa’ [Ulema] in Arabic) spread from the companions of the Prophet (PBUH). The scholars were needed for after Muhammed’s (PBUH’s) time, as he was the last Prophet Allah (the Most High, the Great) sent. The scholars would study from the materials left by the Prophet (PBUH) and from his companions, and would consult with each other on matters of confusion that came later on. They would also help guide/give advice to people collectively after the Prophet (PBUH)’s demise. Since after the spread of Islam, non-Arabs also became Muslim (myself included), scholars who understood Arabic were needed to translate and give commentary to the Qur’an and also for the sayings of the Prophet (PBUH) [known as ‘Aa-haa-deeth’] in other languages. Yet let’s take a step back for a second.

        With any other book – for example, Shakespeare’s Macbeth – could you imagine if there were no scholars that looked at it? No more debates on its content? No more interpretations? If this happened, do you think we’d understand the play ‘Macbeth’ more or less? In this manner, people would understand the Qur’an better if it was explained, studied and read by others rather then if it wasn’t.


      • Hidden Virtue

        6) Finally, as I said before, God needs to be different from us because otherwise He is common, and there would have to be someone with more intelligence and wilful force to create Him. Yet there has to be a place from where creation is issued, because the process has to start somewhere, and that process starts from God. So if creation is common, then God should be unique, unlike us.

        So if what God created (i.e us humans and other things), the creations, are imperfect, then that shows that God, the Creator, is perfect. Because, if we really think about it, who said the creator created perfect things? Just because the world has defects, does not mean there isn’t a Creator.

        Let me ask you though: why is it more reasonable to see ourselves as part of an ever changing system of matter? Why do you think that makes more sense? What laws govern its movements – why can’t those laws be from God Himself? I’m merely curious, and would like your side of opinion :)

        Please email me Clicker (at and try to look at the material I’ve mentioned, if you will – it might help clear things, and I do look forward to our conversation :) . I apologize to y’all for the long-winded conversation, and sorry for spamming your post with debate, Simon. Thanks for the beautiful video as well – it’s inspiring! Believe me, I do love this blog, since it has humour and keeps me up-to-date with the tech world. Thanks for everything, everyone! Peace~


      • clicker

        Sigh. I get the sense this debate is endless. Not that I’m surprised. This is the age-old dilemma. A person of faith finds his faith to be fully self-supporting. All the evidence he requires is contained within the articles of his faith. It’s bullet-proof.
        Someone who does not go on faith requires that any knowledge or facts be supported by multiple sources, each one verifiable by anyone with the means to test them. Hidden Virtue, you are clearly among the former while I am obviously among the latter.
        I’ve enjoyed our chat, even though neither of us has been persuaded to move from our starting points.
        Perhaps this too is part of the process.


      • Adagio

        Could agry more! every atom & orbit around it has been placed & created with great planning by the master of creator… By Mark! Could not saying better! God = creation!


  2. Brenda

    Wow! I am reminded again just how small we are….. like the first time I took a cruise and only seeing water all around. While watching I was trying to figure out where am I?



    Incredibly amazing, so worth watching, thoroughly enjoyed it! I was in awe viewing this video. Great job crew of ISS, WELL DONE!


  4. Clifford

    Fantastic. Amazing. This is one of the reasons I believe very strongly in the space program. You see our world in a different perspective.


  5. Doug

    @ artsy and paul: Fake how? It’s made from stills, so yeah, it’s choppy. Why don’t the two of you get together and make a better one, after you have gathered your own space photos.

    Anyone who pays to watch a computer-generated movie based on a video game gets what they deserve, in my opinion. Your opinion may vary, and suck.


  6. R Schelling

    So every film I see from orbit has the film speed increased to make it look like the ISS is moving @ 150,000mph. You can`t see anything on earth except streaks of light. What! 17,500mph that it is moving, is not fast enough? It`s science not an acid trip. Smarten up!


    • Simon Cohen

      Don’t forget, this is timelapse photography – not real-time video, which is why it looks so fast. They probably only have 1 photo for every 30-seconds or 1 minute interval, when “normal” video runs at 24 images per second. No wonder it looks so fast.


  7. Elias J

    I think a very important element of these NASA videos are fake: you would not see cities so brightly lit from space. If the lights from cities were that bright we’d all be blind. Watch a nighttime video of city shot from a helicopter; the cities are not that bright.


    • Simon Cohen

      The video’s creator said that he did do a little manipulation of contrast to the images in Photoshop, so that might account for some of the increased “dazzle” of the city lights, but even completely unaltered photos from the ISS reveal just how much light our cities give off: Don’t forget, light from cities looks brighter when set against the much darker backdrop of non-lit areas of the country. We don’t notice it because we’re surrounded by it. But take a drive into the countryside and then drive back toward the city – the light the city gives off can brighten the night sky for miles!


      • Jinnymaer

        Simon is definitely right… I live in the country 45 minutes north of a city of only 74,000 (Peterborough) and a 1/2 hour south of a town of only 3,000 (Bobcaygeon). When I go outside on a clear nigth with no moon there is a halo of light from both those places that lights up the sky very clearly. I have also driven to Toronto at night and you can see the lights all the way from Hwy 115 LONG before you get to the 401 so I have no difficulty in believing that our cities glow that brightly to someone moving through space.


  8. Joe Leadley

    Wow is visually stunning, but on the other end of the spectrum seeing all thse city lights makes you wonder how we are bringing a unnatural end to our planet in this epoch!!!


  9. RJCF63

    what comes to mind…beautiful and stunning to watch…we need to see more of this kind of thing…so many people miss the wonders of our world around us…goes to show how lucky we really are…


  10. Yellow

    This is what you call beautiful and stunning, our wonderful world? All I see is a bunch of lights, wasted energy and doomed environment. Earth I guess is what you call a beautiful mess afar, just like how stars are that city people are deprived of to see every night.


  11. Skeyes

    Speechless…breathtaking…no words can describe what I feel when I watch this video. We have come so far but I fear we’re haeding the wrong direction.


  12. df

    There should be across the board appreciation for this, it is a beautiful collection of moments. I absolutely question the motivation of anyone who critiques this negatively, you are undoubtedly the same people who are jealous of the achievements of others in any field of human endeavor. I especially laugh at those talking about it looking fake and being too cgi, it reminds me of a scene from a Richard Linklater film, Slackers, where a TV junkie refers to witnessing a real stabbing and feeling as if it was fake because the blood wasn’t red enough, there was no contrast control and the no ability to play it back in slow motion. You are of course entitled to you opinion, just as I am entitled to think that opinion is full of s***


  13. Moi!

    And to think this little ball offers itself mankind a 1-stop shop for complete neutrallity of our carbon and environmental footprint.. however moot or insignificant this little all-natural plant may seem – however ‘evil’, dangerous, taboo, or any other corporate/government spin can be applied, to this day, with ALL International conferences regarding Human Sustainability, Environmental championing, Medical futures..

    NONE have ever uttered a peep about.. “CANNABIS”.. This, my fellow humans, will spare this tiny blue ball from death and our butts going with it.

    Yes, this simple plant is our 1-powerball ticket for all of the above industries, businesses, individuals, and societies to carry on without destroying our forests, ourselves, polluting, etc..

    This video is outstandingly amazing – so is the planet – but what one doesn’t see is the lie of which a few individuals are imposing on the population now since prohibition – laws created and influenced by these few individuals, who since have done nothing but get rich by poisoning our foods, water, air and minds with GMO foods, altered seeds, sugars, fats, synthesized medicine, and the list goes on..

    What’s the correlation between this awesome footage and a simple weed? Our ability to survive without further irresponsible behaviour.

    Please educate and activate your knowledge of this 180 degree turnaround.


    • Superbent

      I think I have to start smoking weed, being stone cold sober I was unable to see the connection between this excellent video and CANNABIS.

      I don’t necessarily agree with the “prohibition” however your comment and relation to the video does not inspire hope that CANNABIS will improve one’s logic.

      P.S. If you watch the video backwards, earth will spin the wrong way and it will really mess you up.


  14. rob

    Our #1 presence in space as a species should be defence “Hungarian fighting astronauts” the human genetic inheritors of the examples of the best suited to defend”


  15. Cyber

    Thats absolutely amassing… Thats about the closes thing we will have to the real thing for a while. To Dream….


  16. Stanislav

    Really speechless. Can’t understand those who think it’s fake. It’s interesting to see the name Союз (Soyuz means Union), a commemoration of the country that has been out of existence for more than two decades. Our planet is God made and therefore so beautiful…


  17. Tom Winnicki

    White European geniuses made this possible.

    We can thank Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison for the city lights.


  18. Daniel

    GENESIS 1:1

    “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”

    1In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. 3And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. 4And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. 5And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
    6And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. 7And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. 8And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.


    • clicker

      Oh Daniel, thanks for that wonderful quote from the Bible. Really, it should make all of stop and appreciate the beauty of creation and intelligent design.

      C’mon man, seriously? “In the beginning…” that’s the problem here. I watch this video and I’m reminded how incredible the universe is. I can’t wait until we learn more about it – how it works, what it’s made of… you watch it and all you can do is think of God. A god that didn’t exist until 5,000 years ago when the first monotheists dreamed him up.

      So don’t waste our time copying and pasting words from a fictional text written by people who were disillusioned with the polytheist world they lived in.

      Have a little respect for the spirit of scientific discovery that made these images possible. If it weren’t for these people rejecting your little “explanation,” we’d still be carving our initials into clay tablets with rocks.


  19. msquared

    Is there a way to make this video into a computer desktop live background or a screen saver?


  20. kirbecca

    Can’t beleive I never realized just how much electricity the human race consumed. Even though it’s enhanced, it’s still a bit of a wake up call. I never saw my myself as much of a tree hugger but those images make me want to turn the lights off and use a candle.


  21. Pingback: Timelapse: View From The International Space Station « /thread – Cool $#*! Worth Watching
  22. Sonic

    What splendor, what magnificence. The Lords grace is sufficient unto me. The Love of God given to man can be seen in this video.
